Our Business

We, in UFS Group, invest in Precious Metals, Energy, Infrastructures and Heavy Industries and, having a good domination on internationally well-known markets, we provide our clients with financial, banking and investment services.


The Code of Hammurabi (around 1700 BC) provided a legal framework for investment, establishing a means for the pledge of collateral by codifying debtor and creditor rights in regard to pledged land. Punishments for breaking financial obligations were not as severe as those for crimes involving injury or death.


Our business focuses on the following fields of activity:


Nowadays, business revolves around the factor of investing; financially, time, in the future and successful investors will generally focus on certain fundamental metrics for their gains. A value investor is aware that when considering the health of a market, an industry or a company, the fundamentals associated with it, are a highly influencing factor. They include aspects related to financial and operational data, preferred by some of the most successful investors.


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